We're GREEN! So you can feel good about investing in your hobby along with Stampin' Up! Here are some facts that SU! has put into action in becoming environmentally responsible.
The Production of Products.
Materials such as the rubber, the wood, cardstock and paper are already a renewable resource such as the wood blocks {from a tree farm} and the recycled paper {the darker the colour, the more recycled the paper}. Or the excess from production such as the rubber, is sent to a non-profit organization, in this case Courage Reins - a horseback riding therapy provided to special needs children -who take the ground rubber and re-sell it and invest the funds into their programs.
A certified { i.e. Sustainable Forestry Initiative} paper broker provides supervision over the practices of the paper mills directly involved in the production of SU! Designer Series Paper to ensure they engage environmentally friendly practices. One of the mills even generates its own power.
Other Measures
SU! is fortunate to have facilities that reduce their environmental impact. They filter pollutants from stamp production, and use engineering-sound practices such as geothermal wells for temperature control and light sensors to limit excess electricity. Landscaping uses native plants and wildflowers outdoors to reduce the need for sprinklers using excessive watering while indoors artifical plants are mingled in with the real deal to minimize watering as well yet still provide a cool, lush appearance.
Another important step is finding shipping solutions! In an effort to reduce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide pick-ups are scheduled with UPS during non-peak traffic hours and Stampin' Up "car-pools" with other companies on collecting shipments.
With all of that going on, we can feel good about purchasing with Stampin' Up! and feel reassured that they will continue to provide good stewardship of their company and will engage in future efforts best they can!